Hercules: You and Monthigos are going to combine your projects "Shining Legend" and "Sivion" in "Sivion:Visions Of Eternity". What will this game be like? I mean does it feature parts from "SL" and "Sivion" or is it a totally new game? Waka: Well, it's mostly veering towards being a Sivion-like game, with a very similar battle engine to the one that was going to be in the original Sivion. However, there will be new artwork, done by yours truly, and if I can ever get a scanner, I might put some of my sketches up. ;) Hercules: Have you thought about the plot yet? If so, could you give a summary?
Hercules: Are there any other people participating in the "Sivion: Visions Of Eternity" project, or is it just you and Monthi? Waka: Pretty much, it's just me and monthi right now. However, I am in need of some trackers for new mods, so if anyone has any talent in tracking and would like to help, please, feel free to ask. Send me a sample of your work first, though. Hercules: I mean, Sivion was almost finished (well, it was quite a long demo) and I think it's a pity not to finish it. Shining Legend was a great demo, too... Well, anyways, I think it'll become a great game, just like all other Autumn Dreams games. So, when do you it'll be finished? Waka: I honestly have no clue. =) Like Monthi, I'm not going to set a release date simply because I probably won't have it done by then, and I don't want to disappoint everyone. However, the game will be released in chapters, similar to the original SL, each chapter being a swap world, so as not to let people who haven't yet beaten the first chapter play the second chapter ahead of time. After all, that'd ruin the plot. ;) Hercules: Okay, is there anything you still want to say about to the readers about "Sivion: Visions of Eternity"? Waka: Well, I hope people are at least mildly excited about it, as I have (imo) a fairly good plot in the works that is very original. Uhh... that's about it. =) Hercules: We'll make an end to this conversation now. Goodbye and see you around! Waka: See ya, dude.