Download MegaZeux 2.93b + Caverns of Zeux...

MegaZeux is also available on several external repositories. See the platform support page for more info.
Download Notes

MegaZeux builds are currently available for Windows, macOS, Ubuntu and Debian Linux, Rasbian, and several different consoles. Click an icon above to download the MegaZeux build corresponding to that platform. The newest MegaZeux version available for a given platform is noted beneath its icon.

Older versions are available in the MegaZeux releases list or on the MegaZeux GitHub releases page.

Caverns of Zeux

Windows and console releases are packaged with Caverns of Zeux. Other platforms do not currently package Caverns of Zeux.


The official Windows x64 and x86 builds—including those downloaded when using the built-in updater—work in Windows XP and later. Builds targeting older Windows platforms are still supported and can be produced on request (though any features relying on SDL 2 won't work).


There are two macOS builds currently available—the Xcode build ("Universal") and the compatibility build. The Xcode build currently targets x86 and x86_64 for 10.6+ and has very old dependencies. The compatibility build targets, PPC (10.4+), PPC64 (10.5), and x86 and x86_64 (10.6+) with newer versions of SDL and the other dependencies. For MegaZeux 2.93b, most users should grab the compatbility build instead. This guidance will change when MegaZeux 2.93c is released. See the platform support page for more information on the difference between these builds.


The Linux builds provided here typically target stable and/or LTS releases of their respective platforms. Alternative Ubuntu and Debian builds are available in this thread. Outdated MegaZeux versions do not generally receive updated Ubuntu/Debian builds. MegaZeux is also tested in and works in NetBSD, OpenBSD, and FreeBSD.


If you want to run modern MZX games in DOS or to make games, use the 32-bit DOS port. This port is also useful for Windows 95/98 machines in MS-DOS mode. However, it is still early in development, is missing sound drivers, and possibly has other issues. For games made in 2017 and later, switch to the SVGA renderer (F2 menu) for best results. The old DOS versions are still available, but note that they have fewer features, more bugs, and can't play most new games. Modern MegaZeux releases are generally very stable; have very good support for older MegaZeux games; do not have the UI corruption caused by custom palettes and character sets that DOS versions have; support SMZX modes at all, unlike mainline DOSBox and many real video cards; and run more efficiently and have more responsive audio and input than DOS MZX in DOSBox.