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Lancer-X's Christmas 2004 DoZ Judging Results

Merry christmas, and congratulations to all those who entered in this DoZ. This was a pretty reasonable DoZ, with 16 submitted entries, and out of those were several that stood out.

I tried to avoid being overly harsh in my judging, although I was hesitant to give out either 0's or perfect scores, preferring to give a careful analysis of the fine points of each game rather than to hastily slam on a 0 or a perfect score.

Anyway, without further ado, here are the results:

Team #323- Voyage of Fear



The game begins on the title screen. Bad initial impact that somewhat ruins the splendor. After a quick modification to the .MZX I was in the game. Although the controls were not immediately intuitive, the highlighted mouse cursor soon indicated that the mouse was used to play this game, and was used to control a nifty aimable flamethrower. This knowledge in mind, I was able to plow through the first part of the game without much difficulty, roasting the enemy werewolf in moments. Unfortunately, at that cutscene the game ended. After a bit of exploration through the game, it seems that the game actually began on a different board that then lead to the first cutscene.

The game was decently enjoyable, with the predictable jumping and aimable flamethrower (that's one thing that annoys me about a lot of 2D sidescrollers- the nonaimable weapons). The boss was nicely coded, and behaved like you'd expect a wolf to. Unfortunately, it was hurt by the fact that the game was broken at the title screen, the first board was not very easy to find, and that the flamethrower control wasn't obvious. Otherwise, quite a nice game.

  Gameplay: 52/75


The mid-game graphics were composed of simplistic tiles and nice colouring combined to create a good effect. I, for one, like graphics like these. The cutscene graphics were made with some very nice shaded block-art, making terrific use of the palette. I think that using halfchars here would have been of some benefit, but they still look terrific. The werewolf boss was well-animated (a bit of a contrast to the animations of the player and enemies- a bit lacking, I thought). The wobbling title screen was a nice touch too. Overall, the graphicswere quite a nice combination and worked well together.

  Graphics: 47/60


The whole sidescroller-with-aimable-weapon thing wasn't exactly new- Leper_Mess has done it at least once in a DoZ to my knowledge. However, the sprite-ification of it, and the fact that you made the idea into an actually PLAYABLE game is certainly new. However, although mildly innovative in parts, this game doesn't really stand out as being innovative in itself- instead, a good implementation of existing ideas.

  Innovation: 21/45


This category, unfortunately, was where this game was let down. Now, I'm not too fond of the kind of plot that leaves a lot of gaps for the player to mentally fill in- seems like an attempt to get a good plot score for half the effort. However, there at least WAS a plot, and the kind of game it was didn't really demand it, although this does hurt you in Theme later (see below). The whole 'you are... a Vampire' thing didn't come off very realistically to me, and neither did the fact that a werewolf suddenly appeared (and fights you) after you find out that you aren't one.

  Plot: 12/40


I really think this game could have done with some MUSIC. The sound effects, though, were well-used, and this, I think, justifies the score I'm giving it in this category. However, I really would have liked some music in this game- it would have suited it.

  Music/Sound: 6/35


As with Plot (see above), the fact that there was very little information pertaining to the storyline in this game does hurt the theme. I am guessing that the idea was that the protagonist was scared of turning into a werewolf (thusly, Fear), but there really should have been a more explicit statement of this. Some more cutscenes at the start or something like that would have helped this game attain a higher score in this area. That said, the plot that there was did suggest that the game was about Fear, and so...

  Theme: 16/30


This game was sadly broken at the title screen, and it wasn't obvious which board the game began on. Indeed, although the fact that the weapon was mouse operated was suggested by the highlighted mouse cursor, it should have been explicitly stated. That said, the jumping engine motion was nice and predictable (as so few are nowadays), and the flamethrower was fun to spray around. I found those skull enemies really annoying in parts, though.

  Discretion: 10/15


Not a bad game, in truth, but it really could have been improved a lot with just a few small adjustments. Looking at the boards, I'm guessing that the team simply ran out of time. A pity- other than those flaws, this was a pretty nice game.

  Gameplay: 52/75
  Graphics: 47/60
Innovation: 21/45
Plot: 12/40
Music/Sound: 6/35
Theme: 16/30
Discretion: 10/15

  Total: 164/300

Team #548- The Infernal Fear



Buhh, I knew when I started judging that I would run into a game like this eventually. Now, where to begin- annoying jumping engine, stupid puzzles, shooting builtin enemies with builtin gun, stupid boss, stupid jumping puzzle. I'm sorry, but you can't make games like this and expect to get a reasonable score anymore. I'm giving you 10 out of pity, and the fact that at least there WAS gameplay.

  Gameplay: 10/75


Terrible. Many default characters used, and a very small amount of edited chars so unimpressive I don't see why you bothered. The graphics on the Training level at least indicated that you thought about trying, but evidently gave up by the first level of actual game.

  Graphics: 7/60


Nothing innovative here whatsoever. I'm sorry, but there simply isn't. I can't give a game like this any higher than a 0 in this category unless you at least come up with SOMETHING new. Sorry.

  Innovation: 0/45


I'm exploring some ancient ruins of some sort so that I can get a 'chaos emerald' and then escape. Yawn. But there was plot.

  Plot: 4/40


No music, default sound effects other than some stupid laugh that the boss makes. One point for not using any music, because I get the feeling that if you did add music, the music of choice would make me hate your game even more than I do already.

  Music/Sound: 1/35


Well, there were 'ancient ruins'. I guess I can't fault you there, although I'm only giving you slightly above the necessary 1/3rd. The title of the game suggests 'Fear' although it sounds like you just threw that in to be stupid.

  Theme: 11/30


Ugh, WHERE TO START. Okay, (takes deep breath):

Annoying sidescroller, annoying graphics, stupid, unrealistic dialogue, dialogue text cut off part way, training level that taught you how to do stuff that is by nature intuitive, and unnecessary in the actual game (*cough* STAIRS *cough*), SNAKE LIONS, default bullets on a sidescroller, default enemies, boss with a stupid laugh, humour (NO), jumping puzzle, LACK OF PLOT. I'm sorry, but by nature this game is simply terrible. In future, spend a little more time on your game before making the judges score it.

  Discretion: 0/15


This game has the overall quality of a joke entry, with the exception that I usually find joke entries at least mildly funny. This was just plain awful.

  Gameplay: 10/75
Graphics: 7/60
Innovation: 0/45
Plot: 4/40
  Music/Sound: 1/35
Theme: 11/30
Discretion: 0/15

  Total: 33/300

Team #723- The Temple O Ketera



Another sidescroller. Unfortunately, the sidescroller kinda hurt this game- the controls were unresponsive, and the motion unpredictable. Falling in water broke the sidescroller, making it impossible to get out. (It was also impossible to save in the game). The game featured a small multi-weapon system, the majority of the weapons I never found. Unfortunately, at the end of the first level I got stuck, unsure of how to win the battle (after killing the several enemies that spawned, the stopped coming). Editing ahead to the second level, it seemed that there was some more level. I played that, but didn't get far as there was no indication as to what to do next. I killed all the mages but then was stuck on the lower area as there was no way to get up again. Cheating to get more ammo, I played with some of the other weapons and the grenades, but saw no way to actually get them in the game (apart from the magicannon on the second level). Looking at some of the other boards, I got an idea of how the game was supposed to play, but no idea how to actually play it that way. This game was unfortunately too broken to be very playable.

  Gameplay: 20/75


The graphics weren't BAD, but there could have been a lot better. The palette was slightly modified, but was still very similar to the original. The graphics also rapidly grew worse as the game progressed, starting off with not-so-bad on the first board, to slightly-worse on the second, and just going down from there. The title screen wasn't bad, but was overly plain. Very ordinary, but it's clear that graphics aren't meant to drive this game.

  Graphics: 15/60


The combination of multiple weapons and sidescroller isn't exactly new, but it isn't commonplace either, so you get points for that. Unfortunately, there isn't much else new in this game.

  Innovation: 12/45


The entire plot is given in two areas- the starting dialogue, and the conversation with the boss later on. Personally I prefer plots that are trickle-fed to the player, rather than given out in one go but anyway- although the plot was relatively simplistic, and through together a few seemingly random things, it worked and fit together. Unfortunately, the bit about Atlantis was a bit sudden, and it wasn't explained thoroughly enough. However, the plot was there.

  Plot: 15/40


The music was okay, and it somewhat fit. Unfortunately, there were few sound effects, something that would have helped this game along. The music did get a bit old fairly quickly.

  Music/Sound: 14/35


Okay, these are ancient ruins, yeah.. the plot kinda revolved around Atlantis more than the ruins, but they were there.

  Theme: 14/30


Broken game, and it took a little effort to get into working order. The annoying movement and combat engines hurt this game a lot, making it a pain to play.

  Discretion: 6/15


A bit more work to get this game into playable order would have done wonders for it, but as it is I am unable to reward it with a score higher than I believe it deserves. Good luck next time.

  Gameplay: 20/75
Graphics: 15/60
Innovation: 12/45
  Plot: 15/40
Music/Sound: 14/35
Theme: 14/30
Discretion: 6/15

  Total: 96/300

Team #812- Jeff Kenny: Secret Agent- Rise of the Kyken



This game was better than it's initial impact suggested. The martial-arts type combat system wasn't too badly done, and I did enjoy playing through this game. Unfortunately, it was broken at the end of the first part (which was easily fixed), but this is was a minor matter. The game was far too short- a few more missions, and a little more gameplay variety would have done this game a lot of good. But otherwise, not too bad.

  Gameplay: 30/75


Nice title screen. The in-game graphics were a little plain, but nice in some areas (the mountains leading up to the first mission). Unfortunately, I didn't like the low-contrast graphics in the second bit, which hurt my eyes. Otherwise, the graphics are simplistic but functional. The palette was at least modified a bit in this one.

  Graphics: 21/60


The martial arts combat system has been done before a little in MZX, but the fatigue system is pretty new. Otherwise, gameplay is simple and there is little innovation here.

  Innovation: 22/45


The plot was really only given when you fought the boss, and even then was ridiculously shallow. Oh well.

  Plot: 10/40


Music ripped from various games, including Forest of Ruin. I am somewhat against people using music from the Zeux series in their games. The music did fit in some places, but seemed to be just added for the sake of it in other parts.

  Music/Sound: 11/35


Unfortunately, the only place that the theme was ever used was as one of the locations, and it is unclear what it has to do with the plot. Because of this, I can't really give you a good score here.

  Theme: 8/30


Apart from being broken in one part, the game was relatively solid. Unfortunately, the abrupt, unsatisfying ending hurts the score here, in addition to the fact that music from the Zeux series was ripped.

  Discretion: 9/15


This game looked like it held promise, but kinda just died out not too far into the game. To whoever made this- in future, it might be worth forgoing your sleep for the 24 hours that comprise of the competition. Most of the other DoZ'ers do, and you need to put the time in to be able to compete.

  Gameplay: 30/75
Graphics: 21/60
  Innovation: 22/45
Plot: 10/40
Music/Sound: 11/35
Theme: 8/30
Discretion: 9/15

  Total: 111/300

Team #962- ZOMBIES



Another sidescroller, yippee. This one at least has a decent jumping range. The premise is simple- touch enemies to kill them, and jump around a lot. Unfortunately, the jumping engine was broken after the first board, making the rest of the game laughably simple. Anyway, the gameplay got extremely repetitive after a bit, and I began to get bored with the game fairly quickly. As a result..

  Gameplay: 30/75


The graphics were simple, but worked for this game. They also gradually improved over time, and were quite good in places. I did like the overall graphical feel of the game, and so..

  Graphics: 39/60


I'm afraid that, if there was innovation here, it was lost on me. However, the touch-enemies-to-kill-them thingy was, I suppose, mildly innovative. I'll give you that.

  Innovation: 14/45


Well, you're a zombie and you want to get a crown. Okay. I, for one, appreciate deep plots, but unfortunately this is not one of them. This also hurts your theme score.

  Plot: 7/40


This is a case of 'bad music hurts game'. 'Enter Sandman' is hard on the ears. It wasn't a nice song when it was first used in a game, and it wasn't nice when it was reused in a million other MZX games. Unfortunately, it's also the song that plays through this entire game. I had to turn the sound off to play through this game.

  Music/Sound: 0/35


The thing is, guys, to get a good theme score, your plot has to surround the theme. You can't just pop some 'ancient ruins' into your game, when the plot has little to do with them, and expect to get a good score. Sorry, but that's the way it works.

  Theme: 16/30


The jumping engine was broken after the first board, and 'Enter Sandman' plays on every board. The ending was also very unsatisfactory.

  Discretion: 4/15


The thing that pained me about this game, and several other games this DoZ is that they could have been a lot better if the author's simply paid more attention to the plot, and the internal mechanics of the game. Unfortunately, it seems the 'We didn't have enough time to make a good title screen' mentality was applied to the entire game. In short, 'We didn't have enough time to make a good game'.

  Gameplay: 30/75
  Graphics: 39/60
Innovation: 14/45
Plot: 7/40
Music/Sound: 0/35
Theme: 16/30
Discretion: 4/15

  Total: 110/300

Team #1799- Dungeons Down Under



This game, although nifty, had several giant flaws. For one, the random dungeon generator starts to create rather familiar lookings dungeons before long, although this is a small flaw. Other, larger problems include the fact that picking up gold gives you nothing, fighting enemies doesn't seem to do anything to the enemies, and most of the spells don't work. I'm thinking that the time spend making the sophisticated status engines and the tiles for the dungeon generator could have been used better elsewhere. Low gameplay mark here, simply because there isn't enough gameplay in there.

  Gameplay: 10/75


The graphics were simple, to imitate graphics of games like Rogue, Nethack and ADOM, it seems. This they did reasonably, but they won't afford you a high mark in this category.

  Graphics: 5/60


A random dungeon generator. A pseudo-Roguelike. This game simply can't NOT be innovative.

  Innovation: 40/45


lolz. Plenty of Australian humour here, heh heh, but plot?

  Plot: 12/40


Music from a lot of Squaresoft titles, particularly the Final Fantasy series. Nearly none of it fit, and there was no sound to speak of.

  Music/Sound: 9/35


Well, it had Ancient Ruins, but like the plot- lolz.

  Theme: 8/30


This game is a tragic example of time mismanagement, but a good bit of effort was put into this, and I appreciate that. Please try harder next DoZ, so I don't have to do this to your scores.

  Discretion: 11/15


I really wish I could give this game more points, but category-wise, it sank. Sorry guys.

  Gameplay: 10/75
Graphics: 5/60
Innovation: 40/45
Plot: 6/40
Music/Sound: 9/35
Theme: 8/30
  Discretion: 11/15

  Total: 89/300

Team #2004- Afraid to Forget



Buh. You walk around killing things that, for the most part, don't fight back. On one board. With an annoying sword engine. Perhaps you should have thought a little longer about the game mechanics. I'm sorry, but this game disappointed me, and it wasn't at all fun to play.

  Gameplay: 15/75


What was there was alright, I guess. I did kinda like the trees, but the brick buildings looked very plain.

  Graphics: 23/60


I guess the general idea is somewhat new, but not really. The sword engine hold-for-special-move was somewhat new.

  Innovation: 7/45


Simple plot- your girlfriend leaves you so you go on a killing spree. They even threw 'Fear' in there! Buhh..

  Plot: 12/40


There is none, but I suspect that if there was music, it would make my ears bleed, so I'll give you a mercy point.

  Music/Sound: 1/35


"Also you're *afraid* that if you stop loving her you'll forget her and you don't want that to happen." Uh huh.

  Theme: 5/30


This game wasn't enjoyable, it wasn't long, the graphics weren't spectacular, the plot sucked, there was no music or sound and it had nearly no relation to the theme. Sorry, but this game looked like it was made in ten minutes. Considering how much time you had to do this, I don't know why you didn't at least TRY.

  Discretion: 1/15


I honestly don't know why people make games like this. I can't give this a high score, no matter how hard I try. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.

  Gameplay: 15/75
Graphics: 23/60
Innovation: 7/45
Plot: 12/40
  Music/Sound: 1/35
Theme: 5/30
Discretion: 1/15

  Total: 64/300

Team #4865- Scottish Adventure



This game is one of those inventory puzzle adventure types of games, in which items are collected and used to solve puzzles (e.g. Weirdness). Although a few years ago, this type of game used to be released every second day, lately they've become a lot rarer, and it's nice to see a good one pop up every once in a while, and this IS a good one. This game manages to fit a surprising amount of puzzles in the low amount of boards, reusing locations quite effectively. Although some of the puzzle solutions are a little silly (add ink to chopped up plant to create writing instrument, reflect key on surface of water to create reversed key, etc.), on the most part they are quite good. The relative difficulty of a few of the puzzles lengthens the gaming experience. All in all, a pretty decent game.

  Gameplay: 54/75


The graphics in this game are quite nice, if simple. The blue and purple colour scheme works well with the mood of the game, although it could do with some shading in parts. I did like the title screen, too. Overall, although not spectacular, the graphics of this game are quite pleasant on the eyes.

  Graphics: 39/60


Some of the puzzle ideas were new and innovative, even though the game as a whole was not.

  Innovation: 25/45


The plot was a simple, if entertaining, premise. You need a place to stay, and obtain the ruined Castle Lamershire for free, to find it occupied by the ghost of George Clackson. Nothing overly sophisticated here, but at least it's entertaining.

  Plot: 28/40


Along with a few spot sound effects, the music of this came is mostly comprised of Jazz Jackrabbit 2 songs. I quite like the music of Jazz Jackrabbit 2, and it fit the theme quite well, so..

  Music/Sound: 29/35


This was the main sore point in the game's design- the theme doesn't quite fit. Basically, the only thing tying the storyline to the theme 'Ancient Ruins' is the line 'Castle Lamershire... it's practically ruins." On the inside, the castle didn't really looked ruined, or even that old, so I'm a bit skeptical as to whether this game really fits 'ancient ruins' or not. I'll go with the assumption that 'ancient castle' is probably fairly close to 'ancient ruins' anyway.

  Theme: 16/30


This game was nicely polished, from the title screen to the end, and I didn't find any bugs. However, a point was docked for the stupid puzzle at the start @##@#$$.

  Discretion: 14/15


I liked this game. It's been a while since I'd seen a good inventory puzzle game, and this one didn't disappoint. Nice work.

  Gameplay: 54/75
Graphics: 39/60
  Innovation: 25/45
Plot: 28/40
Music/Sound: 29/35
Theme: 16/30
Discretion: 14/15

  Total: 205/300

Team #5349- Unearthing Egypt



Another sidescroller, but this one was pretty fun. You basically have to navigate through the unexplored pyramid, avoiding and confronting dangers with your gun and whip. Generally, most of the levels were standard puzzle fare, with several enemies along the way (I found the whip generally more useful than the gun in most situations). The bosses were fairly easy- the main difficulty lay in working out how to defeat them. All in all, this was a fun romp-around, albeit a couple of flaws that detracted from the game, although not by much.

First of all, the laser-weapon boss, if it zapped you near the left side of the screen would not only kill you, but kill off all your other lives as you respawn there, still in the path of the laser.

Also, one of the boards was not connected to the next board, and another board was connected to the next, but the entrance passage was out of sync with the exit passage. Finally, the code to one of the doors was broken so that it did not open all the way.

However, apart from these small flaws, which were easy to locate and fix, the game was quite fun. The ending, unfortunately, was a bit disappointing.

  Gameplay: 52/75


The graphics in this game were nothing spectacular, but they were better than those of several other entries, and they served the purpose of the game quite nicely. However, several of the items, when picked up, would leave graphical 'holes' in the background. Other than this, the graphics served their purpose, with an appropriately edited palette and custom characters. The heiroglyphic-ish graphics were a nice touch, and the boss graphics were decent. The title screen colouring was a little garish, but okay.

  Graphics: 41/60


The whip has been used before, but I still like it. A lot of the boss ideas are new, although the actual levels lack innovative puzzles.

  Innovation: 28/45


The plot for this game was simple, but did the job quite decently for the kind of game it was.

  Plot: 20/40


Some spot sound effects throughout this game, although a few more wouldn't have heard, and plenty of suitable egypt-y music along the way. That's fine with me.

  Music/Sound: 30/35


As with the last game, I'm willing to extend the definition of 'ancient ruins' a little to accomodate, and will score the game appropriately; unlike several of the other games, these 'ruins' are central to the plot so..

  Theme: 16/30


Apart from those couple of flaws before, which didn't really bother me, this game seemed quite solid. Points docked for the unsatisfactory ending, but other than that..

  Discretion: 11/15


I quite liked this little game, and it's games like these; simple, but achieve what they are trying to achieve (rather than more complicated, but unfinished games), that get good scores in the DoZ in my book.

  Gameplay: 52/75
Graphics: 41/60
Innovation: 28/45
Plot: 20/40
  Music/Sound: 30/35
Theme: 16/30
Discretion: 11/15

  Total: 198/300

Team #6168- Judgement of the Immortal



Now THIS is more like it. Starting off with an unattractive title screen and introduction to lull you into a false sense of complacency, then launching into this brilliant tiled turn-based combat game. The enemy AI is generally decent- it usually won't be lured into an unguarded attack, and you need to use a small measure of strategy to be able to fight the enemies to lose as little health as possible. The difficulty of the game is somewhat suspect, as not only do you get far too many healing potions for healing your character with, but it's also impossible to die. It is also a bit repetitive, and it would be nice to see how much treasure you collected at the start, but this was a very nice game. Shorter, but more varied locations would have been nice. The world map suggests that a lot more was planned, and it is a pity that the author(s) ran out of time. This game is very nice, gameplay-wise, and the random level generator is quite good for the purpose of this game.

  Gameplay: 69/75


Beautiful tiled graphics that, unfortunately, are not animated (apart from the player). However, this scarcely matters, as the enemies and scenery are drawn and coloured so well. The world map is also very nice- the only complaint I really have about this game is the title screen, but that doesn't really matter considering the beauty of the rest of the game. A diamond in the rough as far as this DoZ is concerned.

  Graphics: 58/60


Turn-based combat? It's been done before, but never in MZX to my knowledge, and likely never this well. Very nice.

  Innovation: 45/45


The plot is really only mentioned at the beginning, but isn't bad at all, and a more complicated plot likely wasn't that necessary for this game. If more levels were done, and a bit more of the plot given between each location, it would have been great, but otherwise this is quite satisfactory.

  Plot: 25/40


No sound, just this one music file that plays over and over. However, I did like the music, and it's repetitiveness didn't irritate me at all. However, with only one song I can't grade you too highly.

  Music/Sound: 20/35


This could be either Fear or Ancient Ruins. I dunno if the player is heading towards 'Ancient Ruins' of the shrine, or 'the tales of horror surrounding the shrine'. As I don't know what the topic was, I can't give this a good mark.

  Theme: 10/30


Very well polished, but the cheap title screen and ending, as well as the general repetitiveness hurt this game slightly, but not much. Otherwise, this game was brilliant.

  Discretion: 12/15


This game rocks, and is my personal favourite of the lot.

  Gameplay: 69/75
Graphics: 58/60
Innovation: 45/45
  Plot: 25/40
Music/Sound: 20/35
Theme: 10/30
Discretion: 12/15

  Total: 239/300

Team #7486- Zeeb's Interplanetary Adventure



Whee, another inventory game. This game is more of a mix of inventory puzzles and action than pure inventory. Unfortunately, the amount of puzzles per board is a lot lower than with the other game this DoZ, Scottish Adventure, and the game is too short. When I got to the board with the shrine-place and tried to go north, I couldn't. Looking at the editor, the game appeared to be really big, but all the boards after this one were blank. This is unfortunate, since I didn't mind what I had played so far. Oh well.

The puzzles were, unfortunately, extremely simplistic. I like somewhat sophisticated puzzles in this kind of game. The gameplay seemed to be inspired from EmalkaY's Nonsense2, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, the game is far too short for me to be able to adequately judge it in this area.

  Gameplay: 35/75


Simple graphics, but clean and appropriate. I quite liked the status bar approach. Nothing earth-shattering here, but it all looks nice.

  Graphics: 40/60


The whole inventory thing, and several of the puzzles, is nothing new, but the approach to handling the inventory (with the whole side-bar thing) is innovative. Unfortunately, the general style of the game seems heavily based on Nonsense2, and I can't give you a terrific score here thanks to that.

  Innovation: 22/45


Searching through ancient ruins to find a pearl to help your side win the war. I guess that works. The thing is, if the pearl 'remains only a myth', and 'is _believed_ to harness unlimited energy', that seems to be a little too vague to risk sending a squad to look for it, but anyway...

  Plot: 28/40


Nothing new here, and a little music pinched from Nonsense2, among other things, but it generally fits acceptably. No sound effects.

  Music/Sound: 22/35


The plot seems, from the small amount of game here, more concerned with the pearl than the ruins themselves, but the ruins are THERE, so I guess.

  Theme: 12/30


Far too short. It looks like you WAY overshot the mark here, with the number of unfinished boards in the file. Better luck next time, and I hope you'll know your limits a little better by then. Otherwise, quite nicely done.

  Discretion: 9/15


This looked pretty decent, but ended way too quickly for my liking. It's a pity, because this would likely have gone far otherwise. Well, better luck next time.

  Gameplay: 35/75
Graphics: 40/60
Innovation: 22/45
Plot: 28/40
Music/Sound: 22/35
  Theme: 12/30
Discretion: 9/15

  Total: 168/300

Team #9532- RUN! RUN! RUN!



This was a pretty fun game. Although the premise is simple- run around and try not to get caught by any of the things that you are scared of, it's a really well done concept. Generally, you can get caught several times just getting to know a level, and once you're used to a level you can usually finish it without being caught (although I have yet to finish the last level without being caught once). However, it's a very neat game.

  Gameplay: 68/75


The graphics are above ordinary, especially for the title screen (<3 <3 <3 that title screen), and although not as visually impressive as Judgement of the Immortal, is very pretty. The mini-map in the corner == BRILLIANT. Not only does it help you avoid capture in the game, but it's such a nifty idea anyway.

  Graphics: 54/60


The mini-map, the whole running-to-avoid-capture thing; innovative pretty much all the way, though not quite as innovative in concept as Judgement of the Immortal.

  Innovation: 42/45


Extremely simple plot 'YOU ARE AFRAID OF HOT DOG' 'RUN!'. It suits the feel of the game well, but even so...

  Plot: 10/40


I loved the sound effects, for the start of each stage, and for whenever you get caught. The mid-game music was quite nice, and fit the feel of the game very well. The other music was a little odd, but nifty all the same. I'm pretty certain all of it was original. I can't see any gaps in the music.

  Music/Sound: 34/35


Fit 'Fear' perfectly, since the entire game was based around it.

  Theme: 30/30


Very well polished. I can't see anything to fault this.

  Discretion: 15/15


Awesomely awesome in every way.

  Gameplay: 68/75
Graphics: 54/60
Innovation: 42/45
  Plot: 10/40
Music/Sound: 34/35
Theme: 30/30
Discretion: 15/15

  Total: 253/300

Team #17915- They hide in the dark


Gyeh, another shooter. This one gives you a small amount of health and unlimited ammunition, and pits you against a bunch of enemies and a boss, which you must kill. The interesting thing about this game is that, due to the nature of the enemies, if you aren't careful you can lose all your health in a very short amount of time. However, it is fairly simplistic to dodge your foes and kill them without taking much in the way of harm, and the boss is pathetically easy to kill. (Every time I managed to kill him without being hit once). He's just like all of the other enemies, just has a little more health. Interesting, but I've seen it all before. This game is also way too short.

  Gameplay: 35/75


Simple, but nice graphics. The colour scheme is, for the most part, extremely dark (which makes things very hard to see when you've got a lot of glare on your monitor like I do now). I liked the player and enemy graphics. The rest of it is satisfactory.

  Graphics: 35/60


Nuh-uh. Nothin' new to report, but at least it uses the traditional approach effectively.

  Innovation: 10/45


The village is scared of some monsters, Mark comes to be a lookout, finds secret passage, kills lots of things, finds out that the monsters terrify people, kills monster leader who then says that they won't bother the people again. Oh come on, for something that seems to be reliant on plot, that's kinda sad.

  Plot: 15/40


The main tune is something I've heard in plenty of MZX games before, the ending tune I have not. They fit decently; unfortunately there were no sound effects to speak of.

  Music/Sound: 17/35


Well, 'Fear' seems pretty central to what little plot was there so I guess that's good enough.

  Theme: 18/30


Too short, but what was there seemed fairly solid.

  Discretion: 10/15


  Gameplay: 35/75
Graphics: 35/60
  Innovation: 10/45
Plot: 15/40
Music/Sound: 17/35
Theme: 18/30
Discretion: 10/15

  Total: 140/300

Team #22947- a game about fear



Invisible maze.

  Gameplay: 0/75


There's a pretty cloudy bit at the start so..

  Graphics: 4/60


A game that is nothing but an invisible maze? Been done.

  Innovation: 0/45



  Plot: 1/40


Nope, but if there was it probably would have damaged my ears permanently.

  Music/Sound: 1/35


There was fear.

  Theme: 10/30



  Discretion: 0/15



  Gameplay: 0/75
  Graphics: 4/60
Innovation: 0/45
Plot: 1/40
Music/Sound: 1/35
Theme: 10/30
Discretion: 0/15

  Total: 16/300, like it matters

Team #35974- Are You Afraid?


It's not every day in which I walk away from playing a game in which it feels like every puzzle is an attempt by the game's author to make me feel pain. It becomes obvious quite soon in that this is deliberate. We start off with an ice + bottomless floor maze, arguably one of the worst things you can put in a MZX game. That's just the start of it, however. Once you've gotten that on your 20th try or so, it's on to another ice-related puzzle, this one even more painful, as it involves a lot of guesswork and memory recall. A decent enough puzzle when done right, this is just horrible. After THAT little gem is over, we have another lovely puzzle. This puzzle is far too good to describe, check it out yourself (board named 'Switch'). Yes.. twelve Aspirin later, the game is over, THANK GOD. That last puzzle was awesome simply in it's meanness, so I won't give you that terrible a score.

  Gameplay: 20/75


Background graphics made through simple dithering- could have been nicer with some palette editing. The individual character's graphics are nicely done and unique. Nothing special here though.

  Graphics: 35/60


This game is innovative in a few areas. The plot is innovative, the last puzzle (@#*#@&#@&&#$) is pretty innovative, and the basic idea of the game is too. The other puzzles have been done before.

  Innovation: 30/45


The plot to this game is interesting, though very cold. A group of 8 people go out to search for treasure, and two members of the party, Pern and Lex arrange the death of all of them, one by one, for some malignant purpose of their own. It's quite definitely a plot-oriented game and is interesting in that regard.

  Plot: 36/40


Good number of music files that have been used in MZX games before, but all suited the game. The variety of sound effects is a bit more limited (for the gunshot in the first bit, a gunshot sound should probably have been used, instead of an explosion). Other than that, the sounds and music effects work decently for this game.

  Music/Sound: 27/35


The plot is quite central to fear, and the effect that it has on people, so..

  Theme: 25/30


Mean puzzles. MEAN PUZZLES~!

  Discretion: 0/15


Interesting plot-oriented game with the nastiest puzzles ever. I don't regret any of the scores I gave it.

  Gameplay: 20/75
Graphics: 35/60
Innovation: 30/45
Plot: 36/40
  Music/Sound: 27/35
Theme: 25/30
Discretion: 0/15

  Total: 173/300

Team #84865- Fear Nothing



This game is a multi-weapon romp, where you obtain, and use certain weapons throughout the game against the several enemies. The weapons include a pipe, a pistol, a machine gun and a shotgun. Unfortunately, you don't get any additional ammo in the game, and because the pistol starts off with no ammo, you can never use it in the game. However, the machine gun and shotgun are very neat; the shotgun is awesome against enemies. There are a couple of visual flaws left by the weapons, particularly the pipe, but overall, it's pretty good. The game seems mainly concerned with survival and ammo concervation (since you need those weapons at the end, against the boss), which isn't necessarily a bad combination, as it forces you to be careful with how you use the weapons. At the end of the day, the game doesn't seem to be so much about shooting, as about general survival and exploration. Quite enjoyable.

  Gameplay: 58/75


Clashy graphics, but at least you can tell what's what. Of course, the nondetailed player graphics made it impossible for me to realise that the main character was a girl until a fair bit into the game.

  Graphics: 23/60


The idea of a story-based game isn't exactly new, but the way some of the weapons (particularly the shotgun) is handled is new. In addition, the plot seems somewhat original, especially for an MZX game. So all in all, I'd say it's pretty innovative.

  Innovation: 37/45


The plot in this is excellent- play the game. It's told through a combination of flashbacks and other things, as Eve explores the hospital, and remembers things. Truly brilliant

  Plot: 39/40


Some very quiet music, and sometimes no music at all, lurks in the background. However, far from being a detriment to the game, I think that the silence works very nicely with the plot. The sound effects are sudden and loud, and serve to heighten the experience. Very cute.

  Music/Sound: 29/35


This game isn't really that much about fear, but fear is used as a central plot and gameplay device, so I can't mark you poorly for it.

  Theme: 24/30


A point docked for the visual flaws, and another for the unsatisfactory ending, but other than those I loved this game.

  Discretion: 13/15


Games like this get hurt in the DoZ, thanks to the high bias in favour of gameplay and graphics. However, I love this kind of game- games that dare to thrive on plot more than graphics or gameplay, and don't go unrecognised - see rank weighting.

  Gameplay: 58/75
Graphics: 23/60
Innovation: 37/45
  Plot: 39/40
Music/Sound: 29/35
Theme: 24/30
Discretion: 13/15

  Total: 199/300

Team #96234- Tha Mindkilla


once upon a time i was walking in a grassy meadow when i saw a carrot so i ate it

it was yummy

  Gameplay: 1/75


unfortunately the big bunny rabbit objected to this and bit me on the arm. i cried out in pain but it was no good

the rabbit just kept biting

  Graphics: 1/60


so with a mighty swing i shook the rabbit off and ran into the forest. the rabbit was keeping close behind me

but i had a plan

  Innovation: 1/45


i ran over to the big rabbit's nest and stole all his easter eggs! yes, every single one

the rabbit tried to bite me again but i was too fast

  Plot: 1/40


moments later, i was out of the forest, and the rabbit, powered by energizer non-alkaline heavy-duty batteries soon ran out of power and had to stop.

har har, that rabbit got owned alright.

  Music/Sound: 1/35


a few hours later, i was back at home, munching on those terrific chocolte easter eggs, yum yum.

man those easter eggs really hit the spot

  Theme: 1/30


and the moral of the story is- if you make a rabbit upset, really piss him off by stealing his eggs!


  Discretion: -6/15


Okay, listen guys. I'll make you a deal for any future DoZ's that I might be judging and you entering. If you make a serious game, I'll make a serious judging report. 'kay? Good.

  Gameplay: 1/75
  Graphics: 1/60
Innovation: 1/45
Plot: 1/40
Music/Sound: 1/35
Theme: 1/30
Discretion: -6/15

  Total: 0/300











#323 52 47 21 12 6 16 10 164 6th
#548 10 7 0 4 1 11 0 33 15th
#723 20 15 12 15 14 14 6 96 12th
#812 30 21 22 10 11 8 9 111 8th
#962 30 39 14 7 0 16 4 110 11th
#1799 10 5 40 6 9 8 11 89 10th
#2004 15 23 7 12 1 5 1 64 14th
#4865 54 39 25 28 29 16 14 205 4th
#5349 52 41 28 20 30 16 11 198 3rd
#6168 69 58 45 25 20 10 12 239 1st
#7486 35 40 22 28 22 12 9 168 9th
#9532 68 54 42 10 34 30 15 253 5th
#17915 35 35 10 15 17 18 10 140 13th
#22947 0 4 0 1 1 10 0 16 16th
#35974 20 35 30 36 27 25 0 173 7th
#84865 58 23 37 39 29 24 13 199 2nd
#96234 1 1 1 1 1 1 -6 0 17th

If you wish to ask me about any of these scores, feel free to PM me on DMZX, or yell at me over the forum if you so desire.