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Revision as of 00:19, 15 June 2009 by Wervyn (talk | contribs) (Made a page for you to work on, zzo.)
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PZX (which stands for something-zeux) is a fork of MZX written by zzo38 that focuses primarily on adding support for FORTH, a low-level, stack-driven programming language.


PZX includes the following changes and additions to the mainline code base.

FORTH Programs

This would be an excellent place to explain how to use Forth with MZX in as much detail as possible.

Extra Overlay and SMZX Modes

There's one that causes text to blink, at first; A mode with 16-color characters; A mode that only shows the overlay, And one that draws outside the field of play. And finally, in the vein of Logicow, There's pixel displaced drawing, ZOMG wow!

Extended Kinds

Inquiring minds want to know if this means support for floating point arithmetic (a good idea but non-trivial to implement correctly) or just differently sized integers (a bad idea in general).

Deferred Expressions

What is this? The ability to store an expression in a string and evaluate it later?

Other Minor Things

Hey hey hey! zzo reverted the behavior of ALT+D in the editor back to its pre-port version. Now, instead of resetting the palette to default colors, it...what exactly did it do before, again?