Shoot 'Em!
Tyler "Crackerjack" McDonald
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Requires MegaZeux 2.02 to 2.51 or newer.
Shoot 'Em!
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weasel  said:
Posted date unknown
The precursor to Inmate's MZX Combat Trainer (a slightly modified version was included with MZXCT), this is a randomly-generated shooter in which you select one of a handful of levels, how many of each built-in you want (or a preset difficulty), then you set off to shoot stuff up. The random nature of the game could mean that either you won't get bored, or you'll get bored in a slightly different way each time. It's good for its time, but you might want to look at MZX Combat Trainer instead.
Maxim  said:
Last modified 2011-10-24 02:30:49
Shoot 'Em is a game that claims to be the "be all and end all" of Megazeux shooters. What we have is a crappy game where built-in Megazeux enemies and items are randomly placed on one of four selectable boards.

The level selector is a nice menu, which was pretty impressive for me back in the 1990s. It also lets you change the player's initial statistics and how many of each type of enemy is spawned. Unfortunately that's about the only good thing about this game.

If you let it spawn any dragons, they'll quickly overwhelm the arena with fire. It's impossible. You're given a few bombs, but not nearly enough to destroy all of the constantly-regenerating fire. It's a fatal bug that could have been fixed in seconds. Oh, you also have the option of making the level "dark," which shrinks the size of the viewport... making the game even more impossible.

For a game that claimed that it should have been the last Megazeux game based on built-ins, this is pretty poor. There are plenty of other games in the archive that prove that built-in Megazeux objects can be used tastefully and to good effect.

Mainly it seems like a reflection of a bias against using built-ins, an attitude that was once prevalent in the community.... written by someone who doesn't really understand Megazeux fully.

If you manage to clear a level, which is virtually impossible with the default settings, you'll be given a Megazeux-themed ranking based on your final score.

Not really worth checking out...