Bomb Threat
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Requires MegaZeux 2.02 to 2.51 or newer.
Bomb Threat
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ThDPro  said:
Last modified 2013-11-02 19:48:37
The first thing I'll say is that I have no idea what I'm doing when I start, I don't seem to have a goal or any information about the character, so other than the fact that the game is called "Bomb Threat," I have no idea what's going on.

I found a thorn, I found a knife, I found some gold, (which are apparently not accepted as tender for a hotdog) I talked to people, accidentally deleting a robot when going to another board, I got completely locked for offering one of the few things I can interact with the hotdog that I bought with the money someone gave me for no reason and found the sharp knife, but was only able to cut the rope at the well with a thorn I found, I can read the text 20 times before it unlocks the player AFTER I set the game to speed 3--- these things do not bode well for the game.

These graphics are, while not eye gouging, bad. At one point, the player char changed to something not at all a smiley.

After looking into the robots, nothing actually does anything... The items are superfluous with the exception of the coil of wire. Even the key is apparently just given to you at the start.

Anyways, 1 star, not enough here.