LayerEdit is a mouse-based MZM creator created in MegaZeux. LayerEdit is able to draw several different built-in Custom* types and export an MZM of up to 500x250 chars in size. All of LayerEdit's assets are stored in and loaded from an included subdirectory so LayerEdit can cleanly be left at the root of your MegaZeux directory.
LayerEdit's most powerful tool is its ability to quickly select, save, and load blocks. A block can be selected by dragging a right click across the screen, saved by pressing Shift plus a letter/number hotkey, and loaded by pressing the same letter/number (without Shift). This allows for extremely fast mass content replication.
This utility was used to create level templates in Thanatos Insignia, Pandora's Gate, Thanatos Insignia II, and no True(n).
LayerEdit's most powerful tool is its ability to quickly select, save, and load blocks. A block can be selected by dragging a right click across the screen, saved by pressing Shift plus a letter/number hotkey, and loaded by pressing the same letter/number (without Shift). This allows for extremely fast mass content replication.
This utility was used to create level templates in Thanatos Insignia, Pandora's Gate, Thanatos Insignia II, and no True(n).
Last modified 2024-11-10 07:30:58
This is a lot more fun to use. I've been playing around with 'tile based ansi', sort of like treating the blocks like weird pixels to make larger items and how the internal editor works is pretty key intensive. Using the mouse for copy/pasta is SO much less hassle. I read your post on there any chance this style of editor makes it's way inside a future version of MZX itself? :) :) :) :) :)
Oh I almost for got.... :)
Oh I almost for got.... :)