Escape from Doom Island 3
Release Date
Requires MegaZeux 2.02 to 2.51 or newer.
Escape from Doom Island 3
No summary available.
Maxim  said:
Last modified 2011-09-18 09:40:46
A classic-style Megazeux game from the AOL days.

Instead of presenting a real challenge to the player, this game gives you 32,767 health and lives. The challenge is making it through the massive swarm of built-in objects.

Instead of learning how the Megazeux built-in objects work, Hunter opted to spam as many of them as possible at the player. But given the massive amount of health and lives you're given, all they can do is slow you down. It'd take longer to lose the game than to win it.

Though, only having 512 ammo up until the first boss (screenshot 1), at which point you can run out of ammo and become trapped easily... That part really sucks! All the health and lives in the world won't save you from having to restart if that happens.

If you make it past that point, you're given tens of thousands of ammo units per large, multi-robot boss and can just fire mindlessly. This thing is more like a tech demo of stuff that was impressive in Megazeux in 1995 than an actual game. One part of the game uses the 3d maze from Weirdness, but doesn't have the correct palette or character set, but that's about it for variation..

Oh yeah, press C to continue the game when you see an animation of an exploding castle. Otherwise it won't move on by itself. Also, you can save the game on those boards (saving is disabled on all the other boards).

The game DOES have some really cool looking boards. Unfortunately they don't play nearly as well as they look... music selection is pretty good for a 1995 Megazeux game.

Worth playing if only for a glimpse of Huntersoft's bizarre style. Has some historical value.