Legend of Omega
Release Date
Requires MegaZeux 2.51s1 or newer.
Legend of Omega
No summary available.
ThDPro  said:
Last modified 2012-03-04 06:04:43
This isn't a bad game at all. It's not the best at anything, but I can say I enjoyed it, which is all a game is worth to me in the end. The question is the degree to which I enjoyed it and why.

First, the graphics aren't anything special, not much diversity, only a few characters per board, only one palette, but these limitations have never stood in the way of good MZX game. The graphics, while not inspiring or particularly interesting, work very well and I couldn't imagine them being any different. The use of the one palette and one char set is executed very well and it doesn't feel like it's lacking anything due to this limitation. All in all, they are quite pleasing, if a little boring.

There were only about 3 or maybe 4 music tracks and no sound effects. This game could ave benefited from more of both, but the music he chose isn't offensive, in fact it works pretty well. The problem was that with a game of 30 minuets (max) gameplay time, you're listening to those tracks more than 10 times a piece. There was room for more music, and sound would have made a huge difference.

The story was boilerplate at best. It was just a husk that was thrown on, seemingly as an afterthought. I mean, it establishes the bad guy in the opening dialogue, it establishes the whole princess in distress thing at the same time. There is pretty much no development of the story throughout the game. However, the story isn't idiotic, it isn't terrible, it's just not executed very well.

The gameplay is standard MZX shooting with some magic stuff on top of that. As such with most of the game, the gameplay is not superlative, but the enemies weren't pushovers, nor were they too hard. They had a tendency to err on the easy side. The bosses are all huge things that don't move. Usually, you just had to find the right place to stand and shoot without getting hit by spamming bullets and missiles. Not really a big challenge, but entertaining enough, I guess.

There were some pretty bad bugs in the game, but they should be pretty easy to fix, really. they include:
- I didn't even fight the Fourth Boss. The victory dialogue just showed up immediately after entering the room.
- The final boss had an issue where the boss hit counter was looking for =65 instead of >=65. I ended up dealing it 1000 damage before I finally decided that it was just broken.
- when you try to upgrade your health in a town somewhere, you pay for the upgrade but don't get it.
- when trying to reset the boulder puzzle to get the hammer, only 1 boulder shows back up. (it isn't a big deal, the puzzle is pretty hard to mess up)
- whenever you fight a boss, you're ammo is set to 10000 and it doesn't set back afterwards, making the various ammo dumps and places to buy ammo pretty useless for the rest of the game.

Well, this game has it's issues, but for a 1999 MZX game, it does pretty well and was at least a little entertaining to me. If not for some of the fatal bugs, this would get 4 stars.