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Padz' journal

#1 User is offline   Padz 

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Posted 31 January 2008 - 12:11 PM

I'm starting up a seperate jounal for hive world 1. because i changed my name and 2. because out of all my current game ideas this has the most potential and i've put most effort into it.

here's some improved screens
Posted Image so you can see there's a bit more going on since the last ones. basicly everything you see has different properties for combat, its not just a simple floor,block,enemy. i want very interactive combat areas. the enemies are still a bit basic at the moment but i'm working on it

Posted Image in this one you see its gone to a sidescroll view, this will be used for tunnel systems and caves to add depth to the world

I'll just reiterate the game concept.
Hive world is set in the future, where the whole world has been turned into a wasteland through war and overuse of natural fuels. the survivors are forced to live in huge hive cities many miles high. over the centuries and millenia the hive cities have been improved and built upon and so it looks similar to a termite mound. though the peaks of the cites are weel maintained the lower levels are basicly slums. 'shit rolls downhill' is my main thought with this city. the lower the worse it gets. the very botom and underground areas of the city are almost completly ruined,flooded,poluted and so on.
In this world you are a bounty hunter, you kill for money. you do anything for money. and down in the slums and underhive are many opotunities for wealth. if you know how to work it. avoiding conflicts with the many guilds gangs and cults so you are not hunted yourself. there is always someone who will do anything for some credits.
if anyone has heard of necromunda that was a big source of ideas for me. well a main source really. a very dark and gothic futuristic world.
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Posted 31 January 2008 - 01:10 PM

This is looking great already :D

#3 User is offline   Padz 

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Posted 02 February 2008 - 07:15 PM

ok, quite a bit more work done, finishing touches on some weapons.some ambiant anims and mainly trying to work on enemy AI and combat. I will hopefully have a small playable mission board by tomorrow night to get some feedback.
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#4 User is offline   Padz 

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Posted 04 February 2008 - 11:29 AM

Posted Image
just some reworked screens from before. a lot of the underhive areas will look similar to this as it is a network of habitat buildings connected by a series of tunnels, originally at least. Now most are in disrepair or of limited use due to caveins and hive quakes, but everything is of value.

Posted Image Posted Image

oh and i've i've also changed 3 of the weapons.

I'm still having prolems with the enemy AI, they keep getting stuck behind cover and killing themselves so i dont have a playable area just yet

This post has been edited by Padz: 04 February 2008 - 11:32 AM

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#5 User is offline   Padz 

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Posted 05 February 2008 - 11:23 PM

oops i posted twice

This post has been edited by Padz: 05 February 2008 - 11:36 PM

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#6 User is offline   Padz 

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Posted 05 February 2008 - 11:26 PM

ok, i've done more on the combat area, these screens show a local bio scan and a weapons check respectively.

Posted Image
Posted Image

on the former there is 2 parts to the bar, the lighter blue is light wounds which will be recoverable. the darker bar underneath is permanent damage which can only be healed in special areas(generally a med compound)

under the life support bar is a respiratory percentage. depending on the chem level of the area this will slowly decrease. this can be countered by wearing re-breathers or respirators.

there will also be a radiation level but i havent finished that part yet

the weapon check is fairly self explanitory, it shows which weapon you 're using then its current rounds/max
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Posted 06 February 2008 - 07:26 AM

This game looks totally good =D

#8 User is offline   Padz 

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Posted 02 June 2008 - 08:15 PM

Ok i know i've been a way a while. and i've had no internet bein stuck in the middle of the desert. but i've still managed to get quite a good bit of MZXing done in my spare time.

Hive world has most engines completed and I even have the introduction/tutorial playable, and some other designs ready to insert into the game.

I have also been working on another rpg, inspired by ADOM if any of you know it. if you dont i suggest you get on google and search for it!!! I'm creating a whole new world to adventure in, its not linked to LoR at all. I have designed all the races, classes, advancing system, maps and basic chars. it will focus on gameplay rather than graphics.

I shall update again soon, but i'm still out here for another 2 months.

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 06:51 PM

Hey, sorry I missed this thread! This actually looks really cool and unique. I look forward to being able to play around with it.
Serious damage to important body parts pretty much ruins any plans you had for living. Bummer.

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Posted 04 June 2008 - 06:14 PM

Okay i'm currently still working on my ADOM-like on my inventory system, every items going to have LOTS of variables.
I was just wondering if you can reference into counters or $counters

So like

set "counter" to 1234
where 1 = type
2 = strength of weapon
3 = someting and so on

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Posted 04 June 2008 - 08:45 PM

You can, but it's not so easily as just that. People have been storing multiple values per counter since long ago in the 2.x days, as a way to get around the limit of 50 counters (yes, seriously). It was a gigantic hassle to do then, though, and now that it's become relatively simple to do, there's no longer much point to it unless you really want to be hackish. But I'll give you a few approaches to this.

The "leet" approach to this is to actually mark out bit ranges in the counter (you have 32 bits to work with) that will hold your data, and to do all your accessing and modification using bitwise math via expressions. So for example, in the case where you treat the counter as 32 boolean flags, this is pretty simple to grasp:
. "Access &bit& in &word&"
set "result" to "('word'>>'bit'a1)"
. "This shifts the target bit to the 1's place, then AND masks the rest of the word with 0 so that only that bit is returned."
. "Think of this as ('word'/(2^'bit')) % 2, since that's the same operation in arithmetic terms."
. "Set &bit& in &word& to 1."
set "word" to "(1<<'bit'o'word')"
. "This creates an OR mask with a bit set in the location we want to set a bit, then ORs that with the counter.
. "Clear &bit& in &word& to 0"
set "word" to "(~(1<<'bit')a'word')"
. "This creates an AND mask with all 1s execpt in the location we want to clear, then ANDs that with the counter.
. "Toggle &bit& in &word&"
set "word" to "(1<<'bit'x'word')"
. "Almost identical to the SET operation, except that an XOR mask flips all bits that correspond to 1 instead of setting them unconditionally."

Of course, you probably want more than just flags. Variable length fields, particularly setting them, is a little more complicated.
. "Access &bit& for &length& in &word&"
set "result" to "('word'>>'bit'a(1<<'length'-1))"
. "Very much like the first example, but the AND mask has to be made larger.  Note that I'm using the lowest bit as a reference for the field."
. "If a field runs from bit 15-18, then &bit& should be 15 and &length& should be 4."
. "Set &bit& for &length& in &word& to &value&"
set "word" to "((1<<'length'-1a'value'<<'bit')o(~(1<<'length'-1<<'bit')a'word'))"
. "This is a little tricky, but there are two parts.  One is to create a bit string that represents our value located in the correct place."
. "The other is to create a mask and that part of the target counter to 0.  Then we just OR those values together.
. "The fussy stuff with (1<<'length'-1a'value') is to make sure the value fits in the field we've specified, which is generally good practice."
. "Set &bit& for &length& in &word& to 0 (i.e. clear)"
set "word" to "(~(1<<'length'-1<<'bit')a'word')"
. "Or in other words, the second part of what was done above.  1<<'length'-1 creates a string of &length& 1s, which is then shifted to the"
. "location of &bit&.  Then the bit string is inverted to create an AND mask for clearing the field."
. "There isn't really a practical application for 'toggling' a field, but this will perform an XOR operation on it with a given value:"
set "word" to "(1<<'length'-1a'value'<<'bit'x'word')"
. "There isn't a need to clear anything, here, given the nature of XOR and that the result depends on the data already there."

Now, that's probably way too much information, and while you can create a series of subroutines to work with it it's really not going to be that convenient. So let me suggest something geared towards clear syntax, instead of uber space-saving skills.
set "counter.type" to 1
set "counter.wep_str" to 2
set "counter.someting" to 3

And so on. The only real drawback here is that you can't set the whole thing in one command. Since most of the time you'll be accessing and modifying individual fields, this seems like a much better tradeoff than being able to set a counter to some arcane magic number, at the expense going through a bunch of complicated math just to access fields inside of it.

Finally, one more idea, if you want to use strings. Strings are a little less cumbersome to manipulate, and there are some tricks you can apply, especially if you keep all of your fields the same length (technically the trick could be applied to bitfields as well, but it'll look cleaner with strings. There are actually two methods, here, so we'll take them one at a time.
set "type" to 0
set "wep_str" to 2
set "someting" to 4
. "Here we initialize some offsets, which will give us string fields 2 bytes, or from 0 to 99.
set "$counter" to "112233"
set "mytype" to "$counter+&type&#2"
set "mywep_str" to "$counter+&wep_str&#2"
set "mysometing" to "$counter+&someting&#2"
. "These retrieve the string counters into values, MZX handles the conversion, if the strings are numeric."
set "$counter+&type&#2" to "99"
. "The one caveat here is for numbers with a length less than the field length, you'll have to do manipulation to enter them correctly."
. "For instance, if the value is 11 and you just set it to 0, then it will end up as 01.  You need to manipulate the input into the actual string 00."

The other method is to use each character in the string as a byte-length counter. This makes setting the counter initially in one stroke more difficult, though, and limits the field size to 255.
set "type" to 0
set "wep_str" to 1
set "someting" to 2
. "We still can use offsets"
set "$counter" to "abc"
. "That is, 97,98,99"
set "mytype" to "$counter.&type&"
. "mytype becomes 97"
set "$counter.&wep_str&" to "some_value"
. "The value for $counter's weapon strength becomes whatever the counter some_value is set to."

"This concludes the tour."
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Posted 05 June 2008 - 06:48 PM

Wow! you dont mess about! I see where you're coming from although i haven't done boolean algebra in years, I'll have a play about.
I think you may be right though, its probv easier to have multiple counters for each item. although i want the items to be generated in game from a preset list of types with a prefix, main and suffix
(Flaming) longsword (of doom) +2

so there's going to be loads of counters and many different items.

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Posted 05 June 2008 - 11:45 PM

seconding asgromo. this looks good and i would like to play it.

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 06:25 AM

I love the different kinds of weapons. The lazer looks awesome.

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 06:35 PM

That screen shot is off the EM-c3, an electrical charge weapon. i'm currently trying out variable types and attachments for each of the 15 or so weapons. I've got loads of new screenshots but no way to upload them at the moment. hopefully soon

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Posted 28 June 2008 - 11:34 AM

Ok the character design engine is complete for the rpg and i've got a few screenshots. I'll upload soon.

Hiveworld is coming along, i'll have a teaser demo sometime within the next week or so.
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Posted 28 June 2008 - 09:43 PM

Ok here's a few screens of the RPG, everything on the character sheet is fully engineered with the character creation engine. The map screens are purely cosmetic.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Hive world demo to be uploaded soon.
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Posted 28 June 2008 - 10:32 PM

Ok here's the demo, let me know what you think. Its rather limited in what you can do but its a just a little taster.

Attached File(s)

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Posted 29 June 2008 - 03:40 AM

I can barely see this on my monitor, the colors are a bit too dark, perhaps some way to change that? like a brightness setting or something. And don't tell me to turn my monitor's brightness up, it's up as far as it will go... What little i have played, however, i do like.

EDIT: If you hold enter to attempt to skip through messages, it seems to write the message box over itself without actually closing the previous one. This should also have footstep sounds.

EDIT 2: When you move around a bit while attacking with the crowbar, and perhaps other weapons. You sometimes can move, leaving little bits of overlay still there even after the player has moved. I think this has something to do with your robot that controls the player crouching behind objects for cover.

This post has been edited by Kom: 29 June 2008 - 03:53 AM


#20 User is offline   Padz 

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Posted 29 June 2008 - 03:59 PM

Hmmm, its ment to be fairly dark, but not to the point where you cant see it! it seems fine on my laptop though.

what do you mean footstep sounds on the message box?!

The weapon overlay thing is known about, i'm having problems working round it but its on my to-do list :p
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Posted 30 June 2008 - 01:53 AM

RPG game looks nice but you should make it that you select by cursor and spacebar instead of key presses... the key presses just seem too antiquated.
Posted Image

Posted Image

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Posted 30 June 2008 - 05:08 AM

The demo has no working music =/
also, how do I use the gun?
also, great presentation imo
<Nadir> mzxers don't make GAMES, usually
<phthalocyanine> they make experiences.
<Nadir> demos, more like
<Nadir> a glimpse into what could have been if mzx wasn't such a bore to work with
<Nadir> actually, i'm being unfair
<Nadir> i would have made mzx games if it was capable of running on more than 20 computers worldwide in 1998
<Nadir> >:D

<%Alice> functor
<%nooodl> i hear C++ has a thing called functors and they're completely different from Haskell functors...
<rorirover> the result is the most horrid thing in C++, it's basically black magic and it transforms any code you're writing into some eldritch monstrosity

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Posted 30 June 2008 - 09:47 AM

djtiesto - I was going for that sort of feel to the game :p

old-skool - The music is there, i might not have put the right names on the boards. I'll re-upload with a few fixes later.
Once you have equipped your weapon in the inventory, press 'r' to load/reload (remember to buy ammo) the hold space and arrow in the normal mzx way. I'll add that into a tutorial message too.
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Posted 30 June 2008 - 05:44 PM

I meant this as in the game, not this as in the message box. The game itself should have footstep sounds that play in sync with the animation and based on what is under the player at the time the sound is played.

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Posted 30 June 2008 - 11:27 PM

That RPG really intrigues me. Will there be a demo for that one soon?
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#26 User is offline   Padz 

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Posted 01 July 2008 - 09:10 AM

kom - That'd be pretty had to implement effectively i think!

Ando - Yeah there may be a demo sometime soon, i'm currently in hiveworld mode, but when I run out of inspiration i'll move to the RPG. The game at the moment is literally just the character generation and world map with basic engines.
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Posted 02 July 2008 - 10:17 AM

I have released an updated demo in the new games section.

It has a few minor bug fixes and an extra area.

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Posted 03 July 2008 - 09:47 PM

For your ADOM like game you should make it so that you can choose your own height, weight complexion and eye/hair color maybe even your starting age. i can't even tell you how many times i have cursed that game because it didn't give the right appearance thingies for my charater.

OR you could make it optional like "do you want the game to give you random age, height, wieght, complexion, eye and hair color?"

and please, tell me that you are not going to use that "corrupted by chaos" thing. man, that thing made the game really really frustrating and not funny. i mean the mutations were nice detail, but the whole" the deeper you are the more you get tainted" made me angry and bitter as an adult.

also it would be cool to see aligment based character evolution. like if you start as a fighter (by the way no fighter class?) and reach level 20 your character class would evolve to something based on your aligment like

lvl 20 Fighter-------->Knight (good) ----------lvl 40------->Paladin
lvl 20 Fighter-------->Mercenary(neutral)----lvl 40------->Warlord
lvl 20 Fighter-------->Thug (evil)------------- lvl 40------->Black Guard

naturally it would um... upgrade depending on the current aligment. like if you were knight when you got your first upgrade, but are neutral when you get to the next upgrade the you would upgrade to a warlord.

it wouldn't have to make any difference but it would be a nice detail.

hmm.... but then there would be a problem with... um... if you are a paladin and then would decide to go evil would you change your class to black guard?
well damnit.
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#29 User is offline   Padz 

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Posted 04 July 2008 - 12:00 PM

While its ADOM-like, this is only in certain parts of the gameplay.
Corruption wont be there like in adom.

character class is worked out in my own system. the classess you see in the screenshots above are the starting classes.
In the plot you are a commoner who has decided to take up freelance adventuring so he had a previous job. you will get to train in towards champion and heroic classes as you progress. alignment will be a part of the process.

Below are the class advancement at the present time

Hope this answers your q's :p

Bard > Thief > Stalker
Bard > Thief > Trap master
Bard > Tracker > Ranger
Bard > Tracker > Assassin

Blacksmith > Fighter > Blade master
Blacksmith > Fighter > Champion
Blacksmith > Healer > Cleric
Blacksmith > Healer > Necromancer

Farmer > Tracker > Ranger
Farmer > Tracker > Assassin
Farmer > Fighter > Champion
Farmer > Fighter > Blade master

Hunter > Tracker > Ranger
Hunter > Tracker > Assassin
Hunter > Fighter > Champion
Hunter > Fighter > Blademaster

Merchant > Thief > Trap master
Merchant > Thief > Stalker
Merchant > Mage > Elementalist
Merchant > Mage > Wizard

Priest > Healer > Cleric
Priest > Healer > Necromancer
Priest > Alchemist > Elementalist
Priest > Alchemist > Necromancer

Scholar > Mage > elementalist
Scholar > Mage > Wizard
Scholar > Alchemist > Elementalist
Scholar > Alchemist > Necromancer
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Posted 06 July 2008 - 12:50 AM

Padz, on Jul 1 2008, 05:10 AM, said:

kom - That'd be pretty had to implement effectively i think!

Ando - Yeah there may be a demo sometime soon, i'm currently in hiveworld mode, but when I run out of inspiration i'll move to the RPG. The game at the moment is literally just the character generation and world map with basic engines.

I've easily added footstep sounds to several of my incomplete games. I could do something like that for you after looking through your engines for a moment. If you'd want.

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