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Dr Lancer-X's Profile User Rating: ****-

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9,176 (1.12 per day)
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20-March 02
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User is offline May 31 2024 11:29 AM

My Information

Member Title:
36 years old
May 16, 1988
ur mom nmiaow
i like eggs
also i like taking dumps and stuff

Contact Information

AIM  Exophase
MSN  shotgun steven
Yahoo!  violent hippo
ICQ  2147483647
Website URL:
Website URL  http://

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: shot detection

    25 February 2024 - 05:11 AM

    There's nothing direct. How feasible this is depends on what else is going on on the board at the same time.

    For example, if there's no other source of player-hurting bullets on the board, just use the :playerhit label

    However, once a robot has fired a bullet, there is nothing unique about that bullet tying it to the robot in question - it just becomes a plain, neutral bullet with a given direction. There's some nasty shit you could do to try and make a guess - for example, use code to follow the bullet's path, make sure it's still there. If the bullet disappears and the player is in the right location to be hit by it and the player's health is reduced in that same cycle, chances are very good your bullet hurt the player - but nothing is certain.

    Another alternative is that you could simulate a bullet, using a sprite or overlay to draw it, and just reproduce in robotic all the usual bullet handling (what happens when it hits various creatures etc.), except for a special case when hitting the player. However other code potentially on the board, such as code checking for the presence of a bullet in a given location, or if any bullet etc. will not work.
  2. In Topic: Slow down player movment

    20 January 2024 - 07:14 AM

    Unfortunately there's not. The reason the lockplayer/unlockplayer loop is bad is because the player is controlled with cursor keys and autorepeat, which means the player only moves one tile when a key is pressed, but if you hold it, the player moves multiple tiles. This means the player can be finely controlled with individual keystrokes, but that you can move longer distances in one direction by holding down a key. This is what you want, but in the context of a robot locking and unlocking the player every cycle, these fine motions are lost because around 50% of the time they won't be registered. Ideally, what you would have with a slowed down player is the same precise individual movement, but the hold down movement is slowed.

    Here's something hacky that may be more along the lines of the kind of thing you want:

    : "l"
    set "local2" to "('playerx'x'playery')"
    wait for 1
    if "('playerx'x'playery')" != "local2" then "mov"
    goto "l"
    : "mov"
    wait for 1
    goto "l"

    Upon detecting a player movement, we lock the player for a cycle. This means that the player will remain responsive but won't be able to move more than 1 tile in 2 cycles.



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  1. Photo


    05 Dec 2023 - 17:23
    I made a new game. :)
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    Dr Lancer-X 

    21 Nov 2015 - 02:40
  3. Photo


    21 Nov 2015 - 00:59
    the doctor is IN
  4. Photo


    12 Apr 2012 - 01:38
    Your avatar is perfect! Every time I see it I laugh ^_^ and you post A LOT.....shut up will ya?
  5. Photo


    29 Feb 2012 - 21:49
    how long is this #mzx break :(((
  6. Photo

    Dr Lancer-X 

    27 Feb 2012 - 23:46
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    27 Feb 2012 - 23:34
  8. Photo

    Dr Lancer-X 

    26 Feb 2012 - 03:03
  9. Photo


    26 Feb 2012 - 02:43
    fuckin seriously dude
  10. Photo


    26 Feb 2012 - 02:43
    god damn it lancer
  11. Photo


    26 Feb 2011 - 02:51
    Your avatar is perfect! Every time I see it I laugh ^_^ and you post A LOT.....shut up will ya?
  12. Photo

    Dr Lancer-X 

    24 Jul 2010 - 10:19
    CJA: well, in all fairness I was the first
  13. Photo


    23 Jul 2010 - 22:43
    i'm wondering: who doesn't have that exact same status update
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