hseiken's Profile
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Topics I've Started
Are Boards Serialized/Have Numbers?
28 December 2024 - 12:11 PM
Is there a way to not know the name of a board before teleporting there? Like maybe by number possibly?
Goal is to move between about 4 or 5 boards using arrow keys read by global bot...however, those 4 or 5 are unknown at the time of the button read...so...how could this be solved? I looked for anywhere there might be non-referenced board names in the ROBOTIC reference, but came up with nothing that sounded like it would be useful in this problem.
Anyone have suggestions? -
Outsider Art
28 December 2024 - 03:20 AM
spr0 and weirdness?
27 November 2024 - 01:47 AM
So I'm playing around with a sprite, using sprite 0 as a player controlled entity and I have this bit double up for each direction:
: "tryUp" copy block at 21 29 for 3 by 4 to 21 32 if c?? Sprite_colliding p?? at "spr0_x" "(&spr0_y&-1)" then "doInputs" if spacepressed then "doUpAttack" dec "spr0_y" by 1 cycle 1 goto "doInputs"
Now, the intent was for the sprite to collide with a wall and not do anything. Dunno why it wasn't working, that's not the issue. The issue is that this code DOES make the sprite stop. In seemingly random places and the BLOCKABLE/SOLID/NORMAL blocks I have on the map do affect it...but it's so random...consistently so.
So In one map, I have copy and pasted an artsy fartsy collection of customblocks and made a solid rectangle around a single screen...and the sprite will detect a wall in the middle of the screen both horizontally and vertically. On a different board with the same robots and sprite, etc and this one is just a simple solid wall all the way around, the sprite stops randomly around apparently a single character block near the bottom left of the board.
ANd changing NOTHING about the boards, I switched all the code referencing sprite 0 to reference sprite 1 and suddenly, no more hidden walls...(now I can figure out why my collision detection code isn't working! LOL)
But was wondering if there's quirks to sprite 0 and/or maybe this is a bug? I can post a sample board if needed. -
Sprite Load and DOS
26 November 2024 - 04:28 AM
When using bound sprites in the MSDOS version of MZX, what is the 'general tradeoff' of commands processed per sprite? Is that measurable on my end with some robotic code to get frame rate or some other kind of useable readout for this sort of performance tracking? I'm not even going to try unbound sprites.
As well, is there a board tile limit that begins to impact performance? I recall the older DOS-ONLY MZX had a board size limit, so removing that limit surely can have an impact in terms of memory access? Again, if there's some code snippet to plug into a robot that gives some kind of performance feedback would be maybe most useful? At least when using the newer features like sprites...I haven't seen any performance issues with having 255 robots making a disco out of a board yet..but just a few bound sprites and it crawls...
Maybe I'm not understanding out a frameupdate is determined and that can help with optimizing sprites, too? But again, i don't even know how to code a frame report gadget...gah...
I hope this line of questioning makes sense as to what I'm trying to ask very poorly. I didn't put this in robotic talk as I felt it sort of overlaps into general MZX operation with regards to the the difference of just executing robotic vs. executing robotic AND splashing a sprite onto the screen. Apologies if this isn't the place for clumsily worded post. -
12 November 2024 - 04:53 AM
Before anyone gets all bent out of shape, this post is in jest and is mostly about the silliness of words spelled vs. words said..
I have no issues with this part.
I have issues with this and how everyone says it. Huge issues.
First, I feel that if anyone involved with the project wanted to call it ZOOKS, they would have, first off.
Second, is there a collective memory hole that everyone has fallen into in which they don't know that these names and words exist?
1.) PAPPADEUX. Pronounced PA-PA-DOE. DOE. Not DOOKS.
2.) EUX suffix in french. Pronounced OH as in, "oO, I dind't know it was pronounced that way"
3.) MILLIEUX. Pronounced MIL OH.
4.) Insert literally every word that ends in EUX and no one OOKS it up.
So, in the future, please, use the French way to say it. It just sounds more classy. Zooks? That just reminds me of GADZOOKS, that gaudy mall teen fashion hell hole from the 90s.
(please, again, this is all a joke, don't take it seriously!)
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