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User is offline Nov 28 2024 03:55 AM

My Information

Member Title:
36 years old
May 16, 1988
ur mom nmiaow
i like eggs
also i like taking dumps and stuff

Contact Information

AIM  Exophase
MSN  shotgun steven
Yahoo!  violent hippo
ICQ  2147483647
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Cybil

    02 November 2024 - 10:35 PM

    View PostMicMotorhead, on 02 November 2024 - 09:49 PM, said:

    It breaks the usual pattern by having two sets of hints that have to be combined to solve it.

    I don't think it does - I think the left hint is sufficient to solve it. In fact, that's how I solved it, and so the right hint confused me a lot.

  2. In Topic: Cybil

    29 October 2024 - 09:29 PM

    View PostFeoramund, on 30 October 2024 - 05:38 AM, said:

    9. I'm still not sure yet what the purpose of the inn or sleeping is. I was able to exhaust my skill on a couple different builds, but I haven't found out how to recharge it. Any time I try sleeping, it says I don't feel tired yet. Maybe I haven't played long enough yet. It seems like health recovery is mostly balancing +moxy/-health with +health/-moxy items.

    The inn is how you restore skills (though it's not the only way.) Exploring a dungeon sets the tired flag, though I'm not sure if anything else does. I find I tend to use healing items, not the inn / sleeping.

    View PostFeoramund, on 30 October 2024 - 05:38 AM, said:

    10. Battles seem difficult to skillfully handle. There is attacking and dodging, but not much else from what I've seen. I might need to pry into this more, but it seems like attacking most of the time is optimal. I haven't had dodging work too often in my favor, even when waiting after the enemy does its little initiative dance. My hope is that more important battles have something else going for them. Turn-based attack-masher battle systems are a let down to me.

    I found it takes some time to develop an intuition for the battles. The early enemies have low base initiative, and so it is usually optimal to attack, but later on this changes - there's some pretty strong benefits to dodging, and against certain enemies (the snakes) you will want to dodge all the time. For the most part, though, there's often a bit of a flow of 'attack N times, then dodge' or stalling out enemies or using the bow. There's a lot of subtle complexities to the battle system - the rules are simple but how they combine is pretty special. The difficulty level is so high that none of the battles are ever attack mashing - even the weakest enemies pose a threat and combat is never entered into lightly. I find I have to think about every encounter, which is good, and there's always a little bit of risk - because your weapon can break at any time.
  3. In Topic: Cybil

    21 October 2024 - 09:01 AM

    View PostMicMotorhead, on 21 October 2024 - 04:05 PM, said:

    - Weapon breaking is checked before you attack, so weapons can break even if you miss with them (and in that case you're forced to make an attack empty handed)

    That should only happen if you actually hit, not on miss. Believe it or not, but it is the game working as designed!

    From the global robot (the checks in the combat robot are okay):

    : "keya"
    set "breakroll" to random 1 to 100
    if "breakroll" <= "breakrisk" then "#break"
    set "randompercent" to random 1 to 100
    if "randompercent" <= "meleeacc" then "hit"

    The break check happens before the check to see if the attack landed, which means that your weapon can break and you can end up missing.

    Updated bug reports (I will just update this post from now on I think):

    - The girl on the path to Nord Wood asks for 4 moon potions but she actually only wants 3.
    - The longbow says on the inventory screen that it has 60% base accuracy, but when used in battle it says 50%.
    - The second last letter of the Red Oak South riddle does not follow the same pattern as the other characters. (Personally I think it's correct and the other letters are wrong - since the highlit letter seems to indicate that it's your starting point)
    - If you quickdraw the katana, it's weaker than if you equip it normally
    - Riddle doors don't lock while opening so it's possible to touch them while they're opening and break them. Could also apply to other doors. (Maxim found this one)
    - In Red Oak, in the exchange with the woman writing a paper about the north, the line ending with 'reindeer' is too long and is cut off.
    - Not 100% certain this is in error, but there are two riddle tablets in Birch Grove lvl 2 and only one of them contains an accurate hint for the riddle. No idea what the other one is used for as there is no other riddle on that level.
    - The top left chests in Mountain Road Cave 2 All chests containing multiple items delivered across multiple message boxes are vulnerable to giving out unlimited copies of any item except the last, by holding down a movement key when ending the dialogue. These chests should be lockself'd while giving out items. This applies to locked chests too, although you have to spend extra keys to steal more items.
    - This also applies to locked doors - it is possible to spend the key and then lock yourself out. I did this to myself in Cold Fortress level 1 with the final magic key as I was running from the Greater Maw I lured out of the way. Mind you, this is karma because on the same screen I used the previous bug to scam myself a bunch of additional jinx amulets by repeatedly opening the top gold chest. I regret nothing.
    - The riddle at the top of the Red Oak Fields tower should accept the two words of its answer with a single space between them - this follows formatting accepted by other riddles and is what I tried first.
    - When viewing the telescope the player can (sometimes?) move around and explore a little bit of the board. Doesn't break anything but looks odd.
    - A certain outfit item
  4. In Topic: Cybil

    20 October 2024 - 05:25 AM

    Bug report:

    - Weapon breaking is checked before you attack, so weapons can break even if you miss with them (and in that case you're forced to make an attack empty handed)
    - Pendant info in game help says break chance is +10% of protection chance, even though later info for each pendant says they're the same
    - Sign in Darktown incorrectly says blacksmith
    Posted Image

    - Appears to be a race condition when multiple enemies are nearby where one enemy can unlock you (because you finished a fight) after another enemy locks you (to start a fight). Though that is very convenient in that cave with the timed switches.
    - Forest West Cave riddle asks for next 7 digits; expects 9
  5. In Topic: Cybil

    18 October 2024 - 11:18 PM

    Congratulations on the release! I've been looking forward to this one.



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  1. Photo


    05 Dec 2023 - 17:23
    I made a new game. :)
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    Dr Lancer-X 

    21 Nov 2015 - 02:40
  3. Photo


    21 Nov 2015 - 00:59
    the doctor is IN
  4. Photo


    12 Apr 2012 - 01:38
    Your avatar is perfect! Every time I see it I laugh ^_^ and you post A LOT.....shut up will ya?
  5. Photo


    29 Feb 2012 - 21:49
    how long is this #mzx break :(((
  6. Photo

    Dr Lancer-X 

    27 Feb 2012 - 23:46
  7. Photo


    27 Feb 2012 - 23:34
  8. Photo

    Dr Lancer-X 

    26 Feb 2012 - 03:03
  9. Photo


    26 Feb 2012 - 02:43
    fuckin seriously dude
  10. Photo


    26 Feb 2012 - 02:43
    god damn it lancer
  11. Photo


    26 Feb 2011 - 02:51
    Your avatar is perfect! Every time I see it I laugh ^_^ and you post A LOT.....shut up will ya?
  12. Photo

    Dr Lancer-X 

    24 Jul 2010 - 10:19
    CJA: well, in all fairness I was the first
  13. Photo


    23 Jul 2010 - 22:43
    i'm wondering: who doesn't have that exact same status update
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